Generally, people do not believe in every little esoteric issue that could appear in magazines, on the internet or on television. Despite of this fact, Astrology continues to be searched for many people, nowadays. But why?

Misunderstood by many people, Astrology has been studied, since the time of ancient civilizations, with more or less accuracy. However, we have just recently regarded this area of knowledge with some respect, in the last twenty years, due to some research that brings together academic areas, such as Psychology, Sociology and Astrology. For this reason, it seems relevant to understand what exactly is Astrology?

Firstly, people seem to add the hypothesis that planets and Astros might influence our life in some way. Some of them, particularly, women, in certain times of their life, searched for esoteric advice with therapists or other esoteric professionals. Generally, these women were told about the benefits of asking this service.

Secondly, an increased number of people got to know about and read books written by astrologists, such as Judy Hall, from London School of Astrology. Authors like Hall achieved written reliability towards readers interested in astrological issues, mainly, regarding the impact of astros in their life. For instance, The Astrology Bible has been shown to be an open lesson concerning practical Astrology for many readers that might be useful to learn the tools for understanding their natal chart.

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Furthermore, other people went forward, finding more practical data, clicking up, in sites made up by astrologists like Liz Green, such as Nevertheless, this esoteric support must be accurately searched and found, in order to assure the trust level of Astrology Consultation, because some “therapists” are not accurate and reliable professionals. Therefore, it is crucial to study with caution who are the people we are searching for, according to astrologists and researchers from the Astrology field.

by Daniela Gonçalves (