At this time of year, the earth’s axis in the Northern Hemisphere is tilted towards the sun, and this year, the June solstice occurs today (Wednesday, June 21), marking the astronomical first day of summer in the Northern Hemisphere. It’s the time when the Northern Hemisphere receives more daylight than any other day of the year. There is a lot of information as to the power of sunshine. The sun holds great energy for us and for the natural world. We are all connected by its healing and energising properties.
These benefits can be greatly increased by bringing this sunshine vibration into our bodies and souls. There are a few ways to do this:
Breath work
This involves visualising the golden ball of the sun and breathing it into our bodies using deep, slow breaths, individually to each chakra (energy hub in the body), through the crown chakra and down through the third eye, throat, heart and into the solar plexus. With each in breath, the energy spreads deeper into your body. Once it reaches the solar plexus, imagine this ball of sunshine expanding until it fills up your whole stomach, feel it warming your torso, pushing any stress or anxiety out of your system with every out breath. Then draw this cleansing energy down into your root chakra, enabling you to feel grounded and secure.
This is a brilliant exercise to bring calm and balance to your system, as well as bringing in the vibrancy of the sun.
Another way of doing this is to bring the sunshine into your home using crystals. Some people believe that crystals all have an individual energetic frequency, which is based on how they were made, their structure and colour. As colour is made of specific vibrations of light, our bodies will respond to it and our energies will change to match it.
Sunny crystals
Orange calcite - is a great stone for energising and cleansing. The perfect sunshine in your pocket!
Citrine- this golden crystal is great to help you manifest what you need and also helps with balance in all aspects of your life. (I will be writing more about this subject in a future column).
Affirmation of the week:
I am the sunshine in my own life. Everything brings me happiness.
‘You're affirming and creating your life experiences with every word and thought.’ Louise Hay
Each time you say an affirmation and really mean it, you are creating your new future.
(You could include a picture of the location of the chakras, or of orange calcite and citrine- I’m not sure of the space and financial constraints).