Recife and Rio de Janeiro are the destinations in Brazil that will receive the biggest increase in TAP's offer, as the capital of the state of Pernambuco goes from seven to 10 flights per week, while the city of Rio de Janeiro will have more two flights per week, going from 10 to 12 flights per week.
In addition to these two Brazilian cities, TAP will also increase operations to São Paulo, Belém, Brasília, Natal, Maceió, Porto Alegre and Salvador, which will now have another weekly flight to and from Portugal.
“With 91 weekly flights at the peak of summer, directly connecting 11 of Brazil's main capitals to Lisbon and Porto, TAP reinforces its presence in the market, with a superior product offering for customers between Brazil and Europe”.
USA flights
In addition to Brazil, TAP will also increase its operations in other destinations, such as Africa, with the Mozambican capital expected to go from three to four flights per week next summer,
In North America, TAP will increase operations from Toronto, Canada, to 13 flights per week, as well as from San Francisco, in the USA, which increases from five to six weekly flights in the peak of summer.
In Europe, the focus of the increase in operations will be Italy, with the airline revealing that “Rome gains another daily flight, which increases the offer to five daily operations to and from the Italian capital, totalling 35 weekly frequencies”.
Portugal needs more air connections with more US cities, like Atlanta, Houston, Dallas, Los Angeles, San Diego, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Seattle, etc.
By Diogo F. from Lisbon on 03 Sep 2023, 19:13
Agree with Diogo F 100%; that would be valuable to the flying public. Though of course feasibility depends on the economic/business case for each new destination. I think there would be significant demand to/from Las Vegas since the US Southwest is currently not a TAP destination and there is so little competition for a direct flight to Europe from LV.
I would also love to see more destinations available from Funchal than just Lisbon.
By Brian from USA on 06 Sep 2023, 16:02