One of the tires of the plane, which was destined for Belfast, burst during take-off, according to SIC Notícias.
The aircraft had to turn back and circled around in the air wasting fuel to land safely.
The regional commander of the National Emergency and Civil Protection Authority, Vítor Vaz Pinto, revealed to Correio da Manhã that the alert on board was given at 8:14. The emergency plan was activated and went to red alert at 8:16. The alert ended at 9:35.
100 operatives were mobilized to the location, assisted by 42 vehicles and a vessel.
The quick and effective response from authorities and crew allowed the plane's emergency landing to take place without incident.
Although the tire burst during take-off created moments of tension, the safety of the 189 passengers on board was preserved, and there were no injuries.
It's called Dumping Fuel not Wasting Fuel!
By Sam from Lisbon on 31 Oct 2023, 10:49