The Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA) predicts a rise in the maximum temperature over the next few days, which could lead to an increase in the danger of rural fires and which has already led to the issuing of hot weather warnings for four districts.

The districts of Évora, Beja, Santarém, and Portalegre will be under yellow warning between 11:00 on Thursday and 18:00 on Friday due to the persistence of high maximum temperatures.

For the next few days, an increase in temperature ​​is expected, especially the maximum, with values ​​above 30 degrees expected in most of the country, with the exception of some places on the western coastal strip, and values ​​between 35 and 38 degrees in the interior of the Center and South regions.

An increase in the minimum temperature is also expected, with values ​​between 20 and 22 degrees expected in Beira Baixa, Alto Alentejo, and the eastern Algarve on Thursday and Friday.

Fire risk

According to IPMA, these meteorological conditions, associated with low values ​​of relative air humidity, will result in a significant increase in the danger of rural fires.

The IPMA foresees maximum or very high values ​​of rural fire danger in several municipalities in the northern and central interior, as well as in the southern region, with implications for restricting the use of fire and activities permitted in rural areas.

“The trend points to a small drop in temperature values ​​during the weekend, however, maximum values ​​should still remain high in the following days”, according to IPMA.

Given the forecast of hot weather, the Directorate-General for Health (DGS) recommends the adoption of additional protective measures against heat, advising the population to look for cool and ventilated, or air-conditioned, environments.

It also recommends that the population increase their intake of water or unsweetened natural fruit juices and avoid the consumption of alcoholic beverages, as well as direct exposure to the sun, especially between 11:00 and 17:00.