"The average amount to spend on Christmas shopping is
377 euros", against 398 euros, which represents a decrease of 5.2%,
according to the "Christmas Shopping Study 2022", carried out between
November 26 and December 9 in mainland Portugal, with a sample composed of 480
individuals, over 18 years old.
When comparing "the amounts to be spent in 2022 with
2021, we realize that 42% of respondents say they will spend a lower
amount", reads the document.
A quarter (25.1%) of respondents say they will not buy
Christmas presents, and in households with children, Christmas presents are all
for the children.
Overall, more than two-thirds (67%) of respondents say they
buy Christmas gifts for their spouse and 63% for parents, siblings, and other
family members", with only 30% of respondents referring to the intention
of buying gifts for friends, according to the study.
A quarter of the Portuguese intend to do all their shopping online and a fifth in shopping centres, with 10% preferring high street shopping.