According to the study “Heading for a “Better Life”? Why
Swedes Move to Portugal” by Daniel Rauhut and published in the Nordic Journal of Migration Research, the majority of respondents to the study cited
“disenchantment with Sweden, political correctness and a perceived collapse of
the Swedish welfare system” as the reason behind their move from Sweden to
Portugal. However away from dissatisfaction with Sweden, the positive of
aspects of Portugal also shine through as reasons behind the move.
The study involved in depth interviews with Swedes
permanently living in Portugal to discover what made them take the plunge,
while also attempting to find out the type of people who are making the move
Swedes in Portugal
While there has been a long tradition of British, Irish and
German citizen choosing to move to Portugal permanently, this trend from Sweden
has been more recent. Statistics from INE show that there has been a marked
increase in the number of Swedish citizens choosing Portugal in recent years.
The INE data shows that there was a very gradual increase in
the number of Swedes in Portugal from 2000, from just over 1,000 to almost
1,500 in 2007. There was then a sharp
decline in 2008, in line with the global financial crisis, and then the gradual
increase again until 2015 when number began to rise sharply up to a peak of
4,900 in 2019.
The latest data which shows numbers form 2017, shows that
Swedes moving to Portugal are clustered around the Algarve (30.2%) and Lisbon
(30.8%) and this number is predicted to have increased further as more people
from Sweden choose Portugal as their new home.
Why Portugal?
According to the study: “Almost all of the respondents
claimed that the climate and the food made them chose Portugal as a country of
destination. Unanimously, the respondents also highlighted the friendliness,
politeness and welcoming mentality of the Portuguese, which played an important
role for the choice of destination. However, these were not the only reasons
for choosing Portugal.”
The study found that for low earners the attractive cost of
living was an important factor, while for others the beneficial tax regimes
were a key factor in choosing Portugal over other destinations.
However quality of life as a whole was a significant factor
for the majority with many highlighting the level of security, low crime rates
and also the health care system as being instrumental in their choice. One respondent said: “I still meet people who
think that Portugal is a poor country… Health care is superb, which people do
not believe”.
A sense of community was also seen as being key: “You still
have a butcher you go to and you get fantastic raw materials only when it comes
to meat, vegetables on the market – it is really locally produced …And wine …
where you can also go directly to the vineyard and buy”. Another respondent said
that Portugal reminds them of Sweden when they were young in the 1960s and
1970s. “Portugal reminds me of Sweden when I was a kid … and this is something
I like”.
Moving to get a life
The study concludes that while there has been much public
debate about wealthy Swedes moving to Portugal for tax benefits in the past,
the reality of it being only high net worth individuals coming to Portugal is
actually far from the truth.
Indeed there are wealthy immigrants living permanently in
Portugal coming from Sweden however, “The findings in this study indicate that
it is not the wider middle class who are leaving Sweden for Portugal, and
although a few of the emigrants are very wealthy indeed, the majority of the respondents
are to be found on the lower level of the social hierarchy. Poignantly, the
majority of this latter group does not move to get a better life; they move to
get a life”.
Originally from the UK, Daisy has been living and working in Portugal for more than 20 years. She has worked in PR, marketing and journalism, and has been the editor of The Portugal News since 2019. Jornalista 7920