“In the National Health Service (SNS) hospitals, the
percentage of caesarean sections in total births corresponded to 30.7%,
contrasting with the reality of private hospitals, where the percentage of caesarean
sections rose to 65.9% of deliveries”, indicates ERS.
According to the document, the most representative type of caesarean
section in private and social hospitals was scheduled (49.0%), while in public
hospitals urgent caesarean sections were the most frequent (53.9%).
Of the 75,468 births carried out in 2021, 60,759 were in
public hospitals and the remaining 14,709 took place in units outside the SNS.
As for accessibility to the 61 public and private birthing
blocks, ERS adds that around 91% of women of childbearing age have a medium or
high level of access to these medical services, but 8% of this population still
faces “a level of low access or at an excessive distance”, greater than 60
minutes of travel.
Of the total of 75,468 deliveries performed, 80.5% took
place in SNS establishments and 43.0% took place in Lisbon and the Tagus Valley
and 34.2% in the North, while at the opposite extreme is the Alentejo, which
represented only 3.2% of all births in 2021.