European consumer confidence has plummeted since February
and faith in leaders' ability to control rising prices is dwindling. In
Portugal, it is believed that inflation will continue indefinitely, aggravating
the fact that six out of ten Portuguese people are financially worse off than
last year, according to the European Consumer Payment Report 2022, promoted by
The scenario of economic instability and geopolitical
uncertainty is making consumers feel "even more insecure than during the
darkest days of lockdown", says the report. Luís Salvaterra, director
general of the credit management services company, explains to Dinheiro Vivo
that the issue transcended the financial condition and that people are being mentally
affected: "Inflation weighs on the daily income of families, leading to a
loss of purchasing power and a drop in the standard of living."
"Bill anxiety" is very real, with more and more
consumers worrying about bills as they don't know if they will be able to pay
more each month. More than 70% of the Portuguese respondents consider that
their fixed expenses are evolving faster than their remuneration. The value
compares with 51% in 2021, translating to a rise of 22% in the space of a year,
justified, in part, by the fact that companies are not carrying out wage
increases in line with inflation, which in October reached almost 11 %.
The report also found that a third of respondents confessed to having less than 10% of their pay after paying off monthly bills.