According to data released by the Institute of Employment and Vocational Training (IEFP), in November there were 7,598 more unemployed
people registered than in the previous month and 49,161 fewer than in November
Throughout the month of November, 54,348 unemployed people
registered with employment services across the country, 7,206 (+15.3%) more
than in the same month of 2021, and 3,768 (+7.4%) than in October.
According to the institute, “for the decrease in registered
unemployment, compared to the same month of 2021, in the absolute variation,
the groups of individuals who are aged 25 years or over (-44,018), those who
looking for a new job (-45,681) and those applying for 12 months or more
As for youth unemployment (people under 25 years old), it
registered a chain increase of 1.2% in November (+380 young people) and a
decrease of 13.5% (-5,143 young people) compared to the same period last year.
At a regional level, in November, unemployment registered in
the country, in year-on-year terms, decreased in all regions, with emphasis on
the autonomous region of Madeira (-33.3%) and the Algarve region (-18.0 %).
In relation to the previous month, the regions were divided
between decreases (three) and increases (four) in unemployment, with the greatest
variation in the Algarve (+62.7%).
The most representative professional groups of the unemployed registered on the mainland in November were 'unskilled workers' (26.6%), 'workers in personal services, security protection and salespeople' (20.5%), 'administrative staff' (11.5%) and 'specialists in intellectual and scientific activities' (11.0%).