This will be our 12th Autumn event and will be open for two days, 23 and 24 October from 10am until 6pm, to give visitors more time to enjoy the variety of plants on offer in safe conditions. Entry costs €1, while children enjoy free entry to the fair at the Horse Fair and monthly market site in Estoi. Plant nurseries can have the opportunity to restock for Sunday.

If you are looking for specific plants, it will be possible to make a pre-order to collect at the event. We are very grateful to the nurseries for their support of this initiative. It has been very challenging times for local plant nurseries and we will once again be able to celebrate the start of a new gardening year together. All funds raised will go to support the work of MGAP.

The whole site is level and accessible and immediately next to free and extensive car parking. There will be more space for exhibitors and all outside in the open air. Our partners for this event – CONFEST Horse Association of Estoi will provide a full catering service and there will be vegetarian options. We have had support for this event from the Junta de Freguesia of Conceição and Estoi, and we are very grateful to the President, and his team, for their enthusiastic support.

Measures because of Covid 19 - masks, distancing, hand sanitisers etc. will depend on the DGS rules in force at the time. It is possible we may need to have a one way system using the circuit on site. These details will be confirmed later, so please check our web site for updates.

An MGAP Plant Sales table organised by our members will have plants from their gardens and MGAP Members will also provide gardening advice and plant identification for visitors.

Native plants and native plant seeds will be for sale, as well as ornamental and container plants, plus rare and unusual plants from arid and tropical zones. You will find fruit trees and herbs and a large range of succulents suitable for the garden and for containers. This is an opportunity to buy the most appropriate plants for your garden and benefit from the advice and guidance of the knowledgeable nursery owners.

During the event, visitors can take advantage of the plant créche where purchases can be left in safe hands while continuing to enjoy the many attractions of the day.

Hot meals, refreshments and bar facilities will be available. There will also be a range of organic produce and products for sale and the MGAP stall offering new and second-hand specialist gardening books. Finally, we ask everyone to try to reduce plastic waste, so please bring your own bags/boxes if possible.

For further information, please visit