The state aid scheme includes the purchase of zero-emission buses (using electricity or hydrogen) and the installation or improvement of related refuelling or recharging infrastructure.
State aid will take the form of direct non-refundable grants and beneficiaries will be selected through an open, transparent and binding tendering process.
The Commission considered that the aid is proportional and limited to the minimum necessary, in particular as the level of aid will be established through a competitive bidding process.
Brussels also stressed that the measure will encourage the adoption of emission-free public passenger buses, thus contributing to the reduction of emissions of carbon dioxide and other pollutants, in line with the climate and environmental objectives of the European Union (EU) and with the targets set by the European Ecological Pact.
For the community executive, the positive effects of the regime on the EU's environmental and climate objectives outweigh any potential distortion of competition and trade caused by state aid.