So Turkey’s
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, visiting one of the 6,000 buildings that
collapsed on their sleeping residents in eastern Turkey last week, said: “Such
things have always happened. It's part of Destiny's plan.”
A very
angry Turkish woman on the television news had a simpler explanation for the
33,000 dead already found under the wreckage and the many more to come:
“Earthquakes don’t kill people! Buildings kill people!”
To be
precise, cheaply built high-rise housing that flouts the regulations about
making dwellings earthquake-proof kills people – by the tens of thousands. But
it is possible to construct high-rise buildings that will not ‘pancake’ down on
their residents in an earthquake.
In Japan,
for example, where they have enforced the building regs since the great 1929
Tokyo quake (140,000 killed), earthquakes of almost comparable power now kill
in the low hundreds or even in single digits.
concrete floors and vertical columns separating them, both steel-reinforced,
cost a bit more, of course, but they keep your people alive. If you live in an
earthquake zone, that’s what you do.
like most earthquake zones, has strong regulations on building safety. However,
it also has ‘construction amnesties’ which register and legalise buildings that
are put up without planning permissions and ignore fire and seismic codes.
So build whatever you want, and wait for Erdoğan’s next amnesty to report it.
5.8 million
residential buildings were regularised by the last amnesty, issued just before
the presidential election of 2018. Another amnesty is planned for the near future since there is another election coming up this May. Indeed, most of the victims
of the recent Turkish earthquakes lived in buildings covered by the 2018
amnesty or earlier ones.
and developers have a mutually beneficial relationship in most countries, but
Turkey is special. It’s not just kickbacks; Erdoğan’s government favours the
industry with amnesties, low-interest rates and the like because construction
produces a quick hit of economic activity that helps him through the next
election or other crisis.
He has
quite a few little tics like that. Another is a fixed belief that a low-interest rate makes the economy grow faster. Yes, it does, but most people also
know that if the low rates causes inflation then you need higher rates to stop
it. Erdoğan doesn’t, and his stubborn conviction to the contrary has
raised inflation to almost 100% a year.
consequent cost-of-living crisis has already made his victory in the upcoming
election doubtful. He has tried all the usual tricks – doubled the minimum
wage, increased pensions by 30 percent, subsidised domestic energy costs, let
two million extra people retire immediately – and still the polls show a very
tight race.
On top of
this, there is now growing public anger about Erdoğan’s role in enabling the
developers to get rich by ignoring the building regulations, especially in the
southeastern cities that are mourning tens of thousands of earthquake victims.
These cities normally vote strongly for his AK party, but probably not this
Turkey is
still a democracy, despite having been run by a ruthless populist strongman for
twenty years. Thousands are jailed for political reasons, the media work for
the boss, corruption and oppression are everywhere – but the voting system is
still relatively intact. Erdoğan could lose, and he knows it.
No more
rich friends
So he will
want to make a great show of summoning help from his rich friends abroad for
the immense task of rebuilding the region devastated by the earthquakes. His
problem is that he no longer has any rich friends abroad.
certainly can’t afford to bail him out, nor can Iran. The rich Arab regimes
don’t trust him because they see him as an Islamist, and China is not splashing
the cash around to buy influence overseas anymore. Turkey’s Western allies in
the NATO alliance have the money, but Erdoğan has alienated them with his games
To get the
reconstruction aid he needs, he would have to lift his veto on Sweden and
Finland joining NATO, stop selling drones to Russia, stop threatening NATO ally
Greece with a Turkish attack “suddenly one night”, and a good deal more. That
might be too much for him to swallow – or he might swallow it and still lose the
As for the
real victims, the people trapped in the pancaked buildings, the death toll in
Turkey may double by the time everything is cleared. In Syria, equally hard-hit
by the quakes, the count has barely started, but it could go just as high.
Gwynne Dyer is an independent journalist whose articles are published in 45 countries.