If we had refused the 2nd nose test we would have had to undergo another 10day isolation on top of our 14days. So that’s 24days of isolation for actually having a negative test 4 days after contact with an infected person.
Take away the isolation situation, why is it ok to put a toddler through the traumatic experience of the PCR test through the nose when many other 1st world European countries just do a mouth swop with the children and toddlers.
Does anyone care enough about our children to help us get answers as the government do not care one bit and seem to have no interest in actually listening to what parents have to say.
If you have children you might be able to sympathise with me and many other parents.
We live in the Algarve and it seems we are back in the stone age with compassion and common sense.
Please can you help us?!!
Jay, By email