The problem was that since ex-president Donald Trump
unilaterally trashed the deal in 2018, imposing ‘maximum pressure’ US sanctions
against Iran in the hope of extracting further concessions, the Iranians have
been gradually discarding the controls they agreed to in the original deal.
The three European countries that guaranteed the deal, Britain, France and
Germany, backed the IAEA chief up, warning that “the more Iran is advancing and
acccumulating knowledge with irreversible consequences, the more difficult it
is to come back to that deal.”
In other words, once the Iranians have learned all they need to know to enrich
uranium to weapons-grade, they cannot promise to forget it again. They will
have that knowledge forever, which sort of defeats the whole purpose of the
Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the ridiculous official name of the
2015 deal.
In fact, it’s worse than that. On 9 July Tehran announced that it has installed
new centrifuges that will let Iran enrich uranium up to 90% purity – enough for
nuclear warheads.
They are adjustable centrifuges that can easily be switched between different
levels of enrichment, and Iran says they are currently set for only 20% purity.
But the JCPOA set the maximum permitted enrichment at 3.67%, so Iran is already
way beyond the limit.
To make matters worse, enrichment gets easier as the purity levels
increase. To go from uranium ore to 3.67% takes a lot of time and energy.
To go from there to 20% takes much less – and to go from 20% to 90% even less.
The Iranians can cross the last hurdle whenever they want.
Moreover, the rest of the world will just have to take their word that they
haven’t gone to 90%, because 27 of the special cameras that the IAEA installed
to verify that Iran is not exceeding the agreed enrichment level were turned
off in June. The remaining 40 can be turned off whenever Tehran wants.
And what’s the rest of the world going to do about this? Not much. In fact, it
seems in retrospect that neither Washington nor Tehran really expected to
resurrect the 2015 deal: too much time had passed, and they were just going
through the motions.
When Joe Biden entered the White House in January, 2021, his previous
statements about the JCPOA obliged him to try to repair the damage done by
Donald Trump. However, he put more effort into placating anti-Iran hawks
in Congress than into talks with the regime of reformist Iranian president
Hassan Rouhani (the man who originally signed the deal).
Biden would have known that Rouhani’s presidency had only six months left, and
that he was likely to be followed in office by the hard-liner Ebrahim Raisi.
(Rouhani could not run again, and the Supreme Leader’s people were
disqualifying rival candidates.) Yet Biden barely lifted a finger to restart
serious negotiations.
Then, after Raisi replaced Hourani at the beginning of August last year, the US
and Iran agreed on a five-month time-out, allegedly to give Raisi’s new
administration time to get up to speed on the issue. Why did Biden
consent to that? Because he knew it was already a lost cause.
2021 was the year when Iran’s enrichment levels rose to levels far above the
JCPOA’s limits. When negotiations finally restarted last December, everybody
knew that the deal’s original purpose had been overrun by events. Iran has
become a ‘nuclear threshold’ power, able to build actual bombs within six
months of the word ‘go’ at any time in the future.
That is the reality, which is why subsequent talks have been rather
lackadaisical. Iran is clearly in no rush to build actual nuclear weapons, and
nobody gains by abandoning the talks completely, but they aren’t going anywhere
and everybody knows it.
This is a disappointment, but not a disaster. Possible Iranian nuclear weapons
at some point in the future are less threatening than real North Korean nukes
in the present, and the Far East has learned to live with that. The Middle East
is a tougher neighbourhood, and there were few signs of panic during President
Bidens recent tour of the region.
He didn’t even have to promise that American nuclear weapons would be available
to deter a potential nuclear-armed Iran. Israel’s several hundred unadmitted
nuclear weapons are quite sufficient for that.
Gwynne Dyer is an independent journalist whose articles are published in 45 countries.