Over 50 members of the Congregation, attendees of The Alpha Course their families and friends packed the Church in the Park next to the Lake in the Jardim das Comunidades, Almancil to celebrate and congratulate all the Alpha attendees who completed the 15-week course. This Alpha had been organised primarily for the Nepalese community in Tavira and the Church was overflowing with people wearing the beautiful traditional Saris of Nepal, hymns were sung in Nepalese and the Bible Reading and prayer were led by the Nepalese Alpha members.

Yet more reasons to celebrate were that this Alpha was multi-ethnic, multi-generational and featured language multi audio-visual material – this Alpha Course was in 2 languages – English and Nepalese and was attended by 4 generations, from 8 years to 80 years, all watching the video presentations in English with Nepalese subtitles.

Credits: Supplied Image; Author: Client;

The Alpha Course is growing in popularity across the Algarve, and has been attended by over 28 million people worldwide and in the past 20 years, and has been translated into over 100 languages and dialects. Alpha is a Christian Outreach program that allows for people of all ages and faiths to get together for open, frank and questioning discussions about Christianity in an easy, friendly, environment. Often these programs are held in secular places away from the constraints of a traditional church building. The basis of the weekly program is a series of video presentations that pose a number of questions that then open up to discussions – discussions that can lead to challenging questions such as “What is life all about” and “Is this all there is – what happens next?”

Credits: Supplied Image; Author: Client;

Following the service coffee and cake were served in the local café, the cake featuring a huge red question mark – the logo for Alpha.

Credits: Supplied Image; Author: Client;

Speaking after the service Terry Blackman one of the leaders said “The full impact of this outreach has yet to be realised, but the warmth of the affection both communities hold for each other was fully present today and we look forward to further developing these ties as Christ The King goes forward. It was wonderful today to be able to welcome our new brothers and sisters into our Church Family and celebrate together.

Alpha Courses are ongoing in the Church of Christ the King – to find out what Alpha can do for you, come and join the next course. Contact info@ctk.pt or ring or WhatsApp us on +351 932 841 943 to find out more.

Photographs by permission from Terry Moore and Terry Blackman

For details about services, times and directions to

The Church in the Park , Christ The King Anglican Church, Almancil

Website : www.ctk.pt

Facebook : facebook.com/ChristthekingAlgarve/

Telephone number : (+351) 932 841 943

Email : info@ctk.pt


Christ The King Anglican Church background information

We are an Anglican Church (part of the Worldwide Anglican Communion) providing contemporary and relevant worship with strong Biblical teaching for the 21st Century.

Our doors are wide open to people from all backgrounds and nationalities who wish to join us on our faith journey of following Jesus Christ.

For more information, please contact info@ctk.pt