In a message released through his official page on Telegram, accompanied by a short video with the meeting between the leaders in Moldova, the Ukrainian head of state underlined, in particular, "Portugal's willingness to participate in the training of Ukrainian pilots".
"I appreciate the comprehensive and consistent support of Ukraine by the Government of Portugal - military, political and humanitarian", stressed Zelensky.
Tive hoje um encontro muito útil com o Presidente @ZelenskyyUa, a quem reiterei o nosso apoio militar, político, diplomático e humanitário.
— António Costa (@antoniocostapm) June 1, 2023
"Portugal's assistance is extremely important to contain Russia's aggression and restore Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity", he added, following a meeting of the European Political Community summit, the cooperation platform for Ukraine's security and stability.
The Portuguese prime minister also reacted via Twitter to the meeting with Zelensky, guaranteeing "military, political, diplomatic and humanitarian" support.
"We continue side by side with Ukraine in the defense of its territorial integrity and international law, and in the search for a just and lasting peace. For this to be possible, Russia cannot win this war", underlined António Costa.
May that hug represent Portuguese people embracing the immensely brave Ukrainian people.
By Diogo F. from Lisbon on 02 Jun 2023, 11:17
All the fighting age Ukrainian men that have dispersed themselves all over Europe, are they brave?.
European countries should be looking for peace talks rather than escalating war.
By JG from Algarve on 03 Jun 2023, 05:16
Peace talks when the russian invaders leave every part of Ukraine
Well done Portugal for training F-16 pilots.
By James from Algarve on 03 Jun 2023, 18:12
Thanks Diogo, for your fine metaphor.
By Steve. from Algarve on 04 Jun 2023, 09:51
JG They are about as brave as your snidely comments on here - day in, day out.
Give it a rest !
By Steve. from Algarve on 04 Jun 2023, 10:03
‘Steve’ the truth hurts sometimes, open your eyes.
By JG from Algarve on 05 Jun 2023, 11:26
JG Open them for me, on this theme. For once, why don´t you qualify your obscure statements, with some facts. You never seem to bother.
By Steve from Algarve on 06 Jun 2023, 12:08