The latest store to open will be located in Fundão (Rua Cidade da Covilhã).

According to a statement from the company: “With a total sales area of 1,040m2, the new store is located in a strategic area, in order to respond to the needs of the local population, who live or work in the city and neighbouring municipalities, totalling an investment of around four million euros by the food retailer”.

According to João Braz Teixeira, Managing Director Expansion and Construction at ALDI Portugal, “given the distance between the ALDI store in Covilhã – currently the closest, around 14 km away – and the new store in Fundão, and the latter being a one of the municipalities with the most inhabitants in the district of Castelo Branco, with a strong commercial, industrial and service dynamic, the presence of ALDI in this municipality has become imperative”.