According to a press release, CIMRL followed the final opinion of the consultative committee on the Renewable Energy Production Allocation Plan (CC-PAER), approved by a majority of other intermunicipal communities and metropolitan areas.

As “priority” recommendations, CIMRL asks for guarantees so that historical and traditional fishing areas (arte Xávega) are not harmed by the installation of the offshore wind farm off Figueira da Foz.

This infrastructure has “the largest dimension in terms of installed power (4GW)”, covering “a total area of more than 1325 km2 and, consequently, generates greater impacts on the environment and on other activities present at sea and on land”.

“Intermunicipal communities and metropolitan areas are very concerned about the negative impacts on the economic activity of fishing (…) with the guarantee of implementing measures to make fishing activities compatible with the existence of wind farms”, the document reads.

The voting declaration highlights the need for “compensation for companies due to the inactivation of some fishing capacity, particularly in terms of trawling”.

The authorities also defend “an independent technical-scientific assessment, with the involvement of universities and polytechnic institutes, to analyze the estimated impacts, in terms of economy, society and environment, climate and biodiversity, of the construction of new offshore wind installations in areas where could come into conflict with the fishing sector and in particularly sensitive areas, such as the Maceda/Praia da Vieira Site of Community Importance, an area that is part of the Natura 2000 Network”.

Among the priority recommendations, CIMRL "warns that maritime renewable energies are only sustainable if they do not have a negative impact on the environment or economic, social and territorial cohesion, especially in regions dependent on fishing”.

“It highlights the importance of creating new sustainable jobs, as well as supporting the use of wind energy to supply electricity at a local level, as important indicators of local acceptance of renewable energy projects.”

CIMRL “proposes evaluating the opening of an environmental corridor in the Figueira da Foz area, promoting the integration of offshore wind farms in protected marine areas and with maritime activities”.