Ana Mendes Godinho, who was speaking in parliament during a hearing on the proposed State Budget for 2024 (OE2024), said that during 2022 foreign workers contributed 1,800 million euros, while this year the 720 thousand existing foreign workers they contributed 1,700 million euros for Social Security until August alone.
For the minister, this data shows the importance of Portugal being "an open country that makes its openness to others a way of guaranteeing greater growth and greater capacity for social development".
The Minister of Labour also said that the numbers "break the myth and taboo" that foreign workers are unqualified, that foreign workers are also in many cases very qualified, noting that, if the construction sector is excluded, "more than 50% of new jobs [for foreign workers] are related to technological activities, consultancy, and specialised technical activities".
"Portugal belongs to everyone, it is for everyone who chooses Portugal to live, it is for everyone that Portugal's wealth is built, guaranteeing decent working conditions and on equal terms with anyone else", she stated.
Americans are different in many - better - ways: they aren't prudish to analyze their migrant and ethinc community, its social and economical parallels and discrepancies. And it showld be also down to sexual orientation. Statics are very important to create public policies to the country.
It would be interesting to know the weight of per capita SNS contributions by nationality, to better characterize Portugal's demographics. Next Sensus, hopefully.
By Diogo F. from Lisbon on 15 Nov 2023, 00:56
These figures don't look realistic for the following reasons. They imply the average foreigner contributed nearly €2,400 for the first eight months of the year, equivalent to €3,500 for a full year. Since social security is 14% of earnings, does this mean the average immigrant is earning €25,300, around double the average salary the Portuguese make? Not impossible, but highly unlikely, unless my calculations are wrong.
By Billy Bissett from Porto on 11 Dec 2023, 11:49