According to Postal news, tourism authorities in the Algarve feel positive about occupancy in the region during the Easter period, as there are already several reservations, which exceed Easter 2023.
Quoted by the Lusa agency, André Gomes, president of the Algarve Tourism Region, highlighted the “very positive prospects” of the arrival of national and foreign tourists to the region, after seeing “a very good rate of bookings, higher than that seen at the same time last year".
The Association of Hotels and Tourist Enterprises of the Algarve (AHETA) carried out a similar analysis, revealing that hotels have reservations “equal to or above” the reservations registered at Easter 2023.
Hélder Martins, responsible for AHETA, says that the tourists who will visit the Algarve at Easter time will probably be on a family trip, however, Easter takes place on March 31st, overlapping with the date on which many foreigners head to the golf courses.
Postal news states that the Portuguese may be the ones who visit the Algarve the most, followed by the English, French, Irish and Spanish. However, André Gomes states that Portugal is increasingly receiving tourists from the United States of America.