According to Visão, the Aximage poll for JN/DN/TSF places PS and AD in a technical tie, but with an advantage for the socialists (33.1% against 29.6%) in voting intentions for the legislative elections on March 10.

The barometer also indicates that Chega is consolidated as the third political force, guaranteeing a majority on the right. The study highlights that everything is still open: there are 240 thousand undecided people and a million will decide at the ballot box.

Diário de Notícias reported on 4 March that in Chaves, the president of the PSD stated that "an unequivocal victory for AD is underway", but, when asked if he intended to ask voters for an absolute majority, he replied that "he will not ask for any majority" and will fight for the largest number of votes possible.

"A political change is in fact underway in Portugal, an unequivocal AD victory is in fact underway next Sunday", said Luís Montenegro, warning, however, that it is necessary for the "enthusiasm of the street to be transported" to the sections of vote.

The general secretary of the PS dramatised what was at stake in the early elections, considering that the only way to stop "the return of the right to power" was through the concentration of votes for the socialists.

In Afurada, municipality of Gaia, Pedro Nuno Santos addressed the hundreds of people who listened to him on the street to thank them for their "strength" and highlight that the PS is "on the way to victory to build a country for everyone".

Seven days before the elections, the president of the Liberal Initiative, Rui Rocha, went to São João da Madeira, home of the PS leader, to highlight that this is the moment for the Portuguese to choose between the past and the future, reinforcing that his party "is here to seriously change" Portugal.

In a campaign initiative at the Santo Tirso hospital, the general secretary of the PCP, Paulo Raimundo also took the opportunity to dramatize the vote in the legislative elections between those who want to dismantle and those who want to save the National Health Service (SNS), ensuring that only the CDU guarantees public health care.

Entering the final stretch of the campaign, Livre's spokesperson, Rui Tavares, called for "cold blood" for the days remaining until the elections, after the incident on Sunday in a street for the socialist candidacy.

PAN spokesperson Inês de Sousa Real accused Chega of being irresponsible and adopting electoral strategies identical to those of Donald Trump in the United States after André Ventura alleged the possibility of annulling votes in his party.

However, the CNE will analyze the suspicions raised by the president of Chega regarding the possibility of deliberate annulment of votes for the party in the legislative elections.

"We will analyse this matter and then, depending on the available information and the facts we have, we will consider [opening an investigation], but it has not yet been assessed," CNE spokesperson Fernando Anastácio told Lusa news agency.

According to Lusa, the prime minister and former general secretary of the PS, António Costa, will attend the socialist rally in the Aula Magna, in Lisbon, tonight, but without speaking, an official source from this party said.

At tonight's rally, in addition to the closing ceremony by the leader of the PS, Pedro Nuno Santos, the head of the socialist list for the Lisbon circle, minister Mariana Vieira da Silva, and the secretary general of the JS, Miguel Costa Matos, will be speakers.

18 political forces, 15 parties and three coalitions are competing in these elections.