This Equestrian Center, certified by the Portuguese Equestrian Federation, is the first in the Planalto Mirandês region and will operate in the Space for the Promotion and Valorization of Associations and Autochthonous Breeds (EPVARA) with a capacity for 500 people seated, in an arena with approximately 1,618 square metres of useful area.
The councillor of the municipality of Mogadouro, Márcia Barros, told Lusa that the outdoor space of EPVARA was given to the Associação Centro Hípico de Mogadouro, an existing building whose activity was small and which could now include hippotherapy, in addition to teaching hippotherapy and riding, in different formats.
“The municipality of Mogadouro, through associations, supports this initiative in order to promote a sport that, through its art and contact with the horse - an animal whose nobility is unquestionable, enhances the balanced formation of the individual and further expands the range of options in terms of cultural and sporting activities”, indicated the mayor.
João Moreira, member of the Associação Centro Hípico de Mogadouro, said that the idea of creating an equestrian center in this Trás-os-Montes village arose in 2018 when the association was founded.
“With the opening of EPVARA in October 2023, a space emerged where the Equestrian Center could become a reality. The association proposed a partnership protocol with the municipality, which was immediately well received and viewed with enthusiasm”.
The Mogadouro Equestrian Center is affiliated with the Portuguese Equestrian Federation.
The activity plan includes riding classes, with around 30 students already enrolled, horse and buggy rides, galas, and participation in various equestrian initiatives.
For now, the horses are transported to the location on the days of the activities, with the Mogadouro municipality promising to install accommodation for the horses so that they can remain at the location, where the Equestrian Center is located.
The municipality of Mogadouro invested 1.3 million euros in EPVARA aimed at promoting indigenous breeds intended for activities linked to agriculture and livestock markets.