This device will be on the ground between today and May 31st, and it is the first reinforcement of resources of the year, at what is called the 'Bravo level'.

During this period, 11,293 operatives will be available, forming part of 2,517 teams of various agents present on the ground, in addition to aerial assets, of which there will be a maximum of 34.

The 11,293 operatives from the 2,517 teams involved in DECIR over the next two weeks are elements belonging to the volunteer firefighters, Special Civil Protection Force, military personnel from the National Republican Guard (GNR), and elements from the Institute for the Conservation of Nature and Forests (ICNF), namely forestry sappers and forestry firefighters.

Compared to the same period last year, 893 more operational personnel and an identical number of aerial assets are involved in DECIR.

Firefighting resources will be reinforced again on June 1st, but it is between July and September, considered the most critical phase, the period in which the largest resources are mobilised, with 14,155 operational personnel from 3,162 teams and 3,173 vehicles available this year, a slight increase compared to 2023.

However, the season considered most critical for rural fires will feature 70 aerial resources this year, two fewer than in 2023, with the resources that will not be available at DECIR being two 'Canadair' planes due to difficulties in the market.