Created by architects Aitor Varea Oro, Helena Roseta, and Sílvia Jorge, “united for the cause of the right to housing”, the portal, which has been online since Sunday, aims to provide “systematised and interrelated information based on data from different public sources”.
According to information sent to Lusa by Helena Roseta, “O Contador” includes a search tool that allows “any citizen to search, list, locate and visualise on a map all PRR [Recovery and Resilience Plan, European funds] investments in housing ”.
This “dynamic and interactive” panel of indicators allows information to be obtained by program and by territory (up to the municipality level) and will be updated monthly by the portal team, quantifying financing and solutions already contracted.
With regard to the 1st Right program, for example, the team analyses “the municipalities’ race for funding” from March 2023 until now and finds that “there are huge differences between municipalities and, at territorial level, that tend to funds are concentrated in just two regions (Lisbon Metropolitan Area and Northern Region)”.
The graph shows Lisbon leading the table, obtaining 12.4% of total financing, followed by Oeiras and Setúbal.
The portal also includes “a first analysis of the 30 measures” of the “Construir Portugal” strategy, announced by the PSD/CDS-PP Government on May 10th, and, simultaneously, provides current news and historical and legislative context information on the policies of housing in Portugal, namely a text that describes the “radical changes” introduced with the 1974 revolution.
“O Contador” (accessible at is an independent, non-profit or commercial citizen initiative, justified by the three architects with “the need to […] contribute to combating the great inequalities that persist in guarantee” of the right to housing for everyone living in Portugal.
The portal uses “open data, which can be downloaded, used and cited”, as long as references to sources are safeguarded.