The data comes from the latest global “Travel Trends 2024” report from the Mastercard Economics Institute (MEI), which presents an analysis of the sector in 74 markets, based on exclusive, aggregated, and anonymised transaction data, including from Mastercard SpendingPulse.
In the Top 5 for the average number of stays, in March 2024, Greece (6.8), is in 1st place, Spain in 3rd place (6), followed by Croatia (5.8) and the United Kingdom (5.6).
Portugal is also one of the countries where air traffic grew the most, compared to 2019 (8%), occupying 3rd place in the European ranking, ahead of countries like Spain (6.6%), and 8th place in the global ranking, ahead of countries such as France (26th), Italy (29th) or Germany (35th). Interestingly, the country still occupies 8th place in the Top 10 of countries that contributed most to the recovery of air traffic to the United States, after Germany and Ireland.