According to the advance notice published in the press, the strike, called SEP, takes place between 08:00 and 24:00, covers the morning and afternoon shifts, but includes the provision of minimum services essential to satisfy “needs unavoidable social issues”.

The announcement of this strike comes one day before the scheduled meeting with the Minister of Health to begin negotiations on changing the salary scale and career issues.

Nurses went on strike on May 10th, but at a national level, in a strike also called by the SEP to demand the beginning of the negotiation process with the establishment of a memorandum of understanding on the matters to be negotiated (point counting, nursing career, and other aspects) and the respective calendar.

The May strike, which also involved a gathering in Campo Pequeno, in Lisbon, had a turnout of 76.8%, according to the SEP, with the effects being most visible in the operating rooms and in external consultations in hospitals.