According to Postal, the municipality of Silves was awarded two distinctions from the Five Star Regions Award, a recognition that celebrates the best that exists in each of the 20 regions of Portugal, including districts and autonomous regions.

Through a broad national vote, conducted by, more than 454,000 consumers participated in choosing the best in various categories for the year 2024.

Among 1,036 brands evaluated and 100 regional icons chosen, the hamburger restaurant Fabio's Roadstop (Armação de Pêra) was distinguished as a brand of excellence in the region, representing the best of local gastronomy, while the iconic Castelo de Silves was chosen as a regional icon, highlighting its inestimable historical and cultural value.

This award values ​​the quality of natural resources, the richness of gastronomy, the expression of art and culture, the legacy of heritage, and other regional icons.

“These distinctions are a testament to Silves’ commitment to maintaining quality and authenticity in all facets of regional life, from cuisine to cultural heritage,” the local authority said in a statement.

Silves City Council expresses “its pride and gratitude for these honors and thanks everyone who contributed to this success”.