For this Monday, the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA) predicts that most of the country will reach more than 30ºC. The only exception, on the mainland, should be Aveiro, with 28ºC.

In the archipelagos, temperatures are also high, but below 30ºC. In the Azores, thermometers should reach 28ºC, and in Madeira, 27ºC.

The hottest districts today will be Évora and Santarém at 42ºC, Beja at 40ºC, Portalegre at 39ºC, Lisbon and Castelo Branco at 38ºC and Coimbra at 37ºC. Porto is expected to reach 33ºC and Faro at 31ºC.

For Tuesday, July 23, the IPMA predicts an identical scenario, with thermometers reaching more than 30ºC in all districts of mainland Portugal, except in Sines.

The hottest districts continue to be Santarém, Évora, and Beja, with 41ºC. Next are Castelo Branco and Braga, at 40ºC, Portalegre at 39ºC, Vila Real, Bragança and Coimbra at 38ºC and Guarda at 37ºC. Lisbon is expected to reach 35ºC today, Faro 35ºC and Porto 34ºC.

On Wednesday, 24ºC in July, temperatures should reach 42ºC in Évora and Beja, 40ºC in Santarém and Castelo Branco, 39ºC in Portalegre, 38ºC in Bragança, Braga and Vila Real and 37ºC in Lisbon and Viseu. In Faro, thermometers should rise to 35ºC and in Porto to 29ºC.