According to the information provided, Lufthansa is interested in acquiring a 19.9% ​​stake in TAP and, therefore, Carsten Spohr will meet with the Minister of Finance, Joaquim Miranda Sarmento, and with the Minister of Infrastructure and Housing, Miguel Pinto Luz.

The meeting was reportedly requested by the German airline, which has been expressing interest in TAP for several months, with preliminary meetings already taking place between representatives of Lufthansa and the Portuguese Government.

The international press reports that the deal could be worth between 180 and 200 million euros, and it is expected that, if Lufthansa's acquisition of a stake in TAP does go ahead, the deal will only be concluded after the third quarter of 2025.

It should be noted that Lufthansa had already considered the privatization of TAP to be an “interesting” deal, mainly due to TAP's route network to South America.