A purchase agreement for eleven solar photovoltaic projects, totalling 47 million euros in investment value, has been signed by the Danish multinational Eurowind Energy. If all of the projects are completed and installed as expected, their combined output should be sufficient to provide 36,100 families with green electricity. Moreover, it would also reduce annual carbon dioxide emissions by over 30,800 tonnes.

According to the information provided by Eurowind, the initiative will consist of 11 solar projects mostly grouped into 15 megawatt (MW) clusters, all located in the district of Aveiro. The projects are "at an advanced stage of development," according to the corporation, and the August acquisition deal will come to pass "as soon as a first 'cluster' of three projects reaches the 'ready to build' phase," or when they are prepared for building.

As also stated in the information provided, "The agreement foresees that the acquisition will only be made for projects that reach this stage, so Eurowind Energy may acquire a maximum of 55MW AC", adding that the projects are being developed by Insun and sold in Portugal and Romania.