For those who have decided to live in this captivating city like Lisbon, which is full of history and culture, learning Portuguese becomes a practical necessity and a gateway to fully experiencing and appreciating everything Portugal has to offer. But how can you start learning a new language? There are several ways to do it, but we recommend trying a physical school as you will come into direct contact with teachers and have colleagues who embarked on the same journey as you, which allows you to change ideas and give and receive support. Lusa Language School is one of those language schools that can provide the ideal learning environment.

Yes, learning the language spoken in your home country is a great idea, as it will make you feel more integrated, but what are the advantages of learning Portuguese in Lisbon, exactly?

1. You will immerse yourself in a Portuguese-speaking environment

Language immersion is widely recognized as one of the most effective ways to learn a new language, and Lisbon offers a rich linguistic environment where Portuguese is spoken in daily life. As you walk through the city's cobbled streets, order a coffee in a local café, or interact with neighbors, you'll constantly be exposed to the language in its natural context. This immersion accelerates the learning process, forcing you to practice Portuguese in real-life situations and helping you internalize vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation more quickly. Even though Portugal is a small country, it's full of regional accents, and Lisbon is no exception. One thing is to learn the language at school, and the other is to get used to the accents native speakers actually use. By immersing yourself, you will be able to train your ear to the local accent until it becomes customary to you.

2. You can understand a culture through the language

Language and culture are intricately connected, therefore, by learning Portuguese in Lisbon, you gain more than just linguistic skills like insights into the cultural nuances that shape how the language is used. Understanding the cultural context in which specific phrases, idioms, and expressions are employed adds depth to your language skills and helps you communicate more effectively with native speakers. Many of those idioms are historically and culturally related, so knowing some historical background will help you decipher what natives usually say much more quickly. You won't be short of things to do in Lisbon to come into contact with how the natives speak. There are plenty of festivals and cultural events you can go to and help you foster a deeper connection to the city and its people.

3. You will improve social integration

Speaking the local language demonstrates respect for the culture and helps you build stronger connections, and while many residents of Lisbon talk in English, especially in tourist areas, the ability to converse in Portuguese opens doors to more meaningful relationships with locals. Even though the natives will help you out if you speak in English, they will open up to you much more if you speak their language, as it shows you want to learn more about their country and you're making an effort. This can lead to a more fulfilling and authentic life experience in Lisbon.

4. You will get more employment opportunities

While Lisbon is home to many international companies where English may be the primary language of communication, speaking Portuguese can set you apart from other job candidates, as proficiency in Portuguese is still required. Being proficient in Portuguese shows potential employers that you are committed to integrating into the local culture and can communicate effectively with Portuguese-speaking colleagues and clients. Of course, this requirement will significantly vary depending on the sector in which you want to work. Sectors such as education, healthcare, and public services are the ones that require fluency in Portuguese the most.

5. You will have a richer travel experience

Portugal has stunning landscapes, a rich history, and diverse regions, each with a unique character. By learning Portuguese, you equip yourself with the skills to explore the country more deeply and confidently. Speaking Portuguese allows you to interact more authentically with the people you meet along the way since there's no guarantee all of them know English. It also makes navigating the country easier, from reading signs and menus to understanding local guides and transportation options.

Now that you know the advantages of learning the language of the country you want to live in, you will likely opt for a method of learning the language. You can try doing it yourself with language apps and learning manuals you can find in almost any bookshop, or you can follow the more conventional route, which is to learn to speak Portuguese in a physical school. If you need help deciding which option to choose, check out the advantages of studying in a language school.

1. You will be in a structured learning environment

While many resources are available for self-study, learning Portuguese in a physical school provides the structure and discipline that is often necessary for language acquisition. Schools offer a systematic curriculum designed to build your skills progressively, from basic vocabulary and grammar to more advanced conversation and comprehension. It becomes harder to learn a language once you're an adult, so a good way to counteract this is by having the rules of the language structure on the tip of your tongue. This structured approach ensures that you develop a solid foundation in the language and can build upon it effectively.

2. You will get access to an interactive and personalized education

One of the key benefits of attending a physical language school is the opportunity for interactive learning. In a classroom setting, you can engage in real-time conversations with the instructor and fellow students, allowing you to expose your doubts, knowing they will be clarified. It is also a great opportunity for practicing pronunciation, receiving immediate feedback, and improving your speaking and listening skills both with a teacher who is either fluent or a native speaker and with your colleagues who are at the same level as you. Additionally, physical schools often offer personalized instruction, with teachers who can tailor their lessons to your specific needs and learning pace, which will help you overcome challenges more quickly and ensure that you make steady progress.

3. You will have access to resources and support

Textbooks, audiovisual materials, language labs, and libraries are some of the support resources language schools offer and will help you understand how the language works. These resources can be expensive if you are trying to learn the language alone and would like to purchase them to serve as tools to improve your learning, so by attending a language school, you will already have access to everything you might need.

4. Language schools provide consistent practice and accountability

Attending a physical school helps you maintain a regular study routine, with scheduled classes that ensure you practice the language consistently. You probably know this, but if you want to excel at something, there's only one way to go, and that is to practice consistently. However, you will find obstacles that can make you feel demotivated, and that's where accountability comes in. Going to a language school means you will have responsibilities like attending classes, completing assignments, and participating in group activities, which can significantly enhance your learning outcomes.

We hope that we have convinced you of the advantages of learning Portuguese in a language school, so let's see why Lusa Language School is the best option for you. When it comes to learning Portuguese in Lisbon, it stands out as a premier choice for both beginners and advanced learners. Besides, it's located in the heart of Lisbon, which means that it offers a welcoming and dynamic environment where students can immerse themselves in the Portuguese language and culture.

1. Lusa Language School has expert teachers

Lusa Language School boasts a team of experienced and passionate instructors dedicated to helping students achieve fluency in Portuguese. The teachers at Lusa Language School are not only native speakers but also skilled educators who understand the challenges of learning a new language. They employ a communicative approach to teaching, focusing on practical language use and real-life scenarios to ensure students can confidently apply their skills outside the classroom.

2. You will get access to tailored learning programs

At Lusa, the curriculum is designed to meet the diverse needs of its students. Whether you're a beginner or looking to refine your skills, Lusa offers courses at various levels, from A1 (beginner) to C2 (proficient). The school also provides specialized classes, such as business Portuguese, exam preparation, and intensive courses for those who want to fast-track their learning.

3. It offers cultural immersion activities

Something you might not expect is that Lusa Language School organizes a range of cultural immersion activities that allow students to practice Portuguese in authentic settings as they understand that you can't just become fluent by staying in a classroom. These activities include guided tours of Lisbon's historic sites, visits to local markets, traditional cooking classes, and more. By participating in these activities, students can deepen their understanding of Portuguese culture while practicing the language in a fun and engaging way.

4. Lusa Language School is proud of having a supportive learning environment

Lusa Language School is known for its friendly and supportive atmosphere. The small class sizes ensure that each student receives personalized attention, and the teacher is always available to provide guidance and support. If you thrive in classrooms with fewer classmates, this might be your opportunity, as the reduced number of students in every classroom will make you feel more at ease and welcomed.

5. It offers flexible learning options

You might think that you won't find the time to attend classes consistently, but Lusa Language School understands that everyone's schedule and learning needs are different. The school offers flexible learning options, including evening classes, private lessons, and online courses, allowing you to choose the best format for your lifestyle. This flexibility makes it easier to integrate language learning into your daily routine, whether working, studying, or exploring Lisbon.

Now that you have learned all the advantages of learning Portuguese in Lisbon, you can't deny that it's a rewarding investment in your future. By choosing to study at a physical school like you gain access to expert instruction, personalized learning, and a supportive community that can help you achieve your language goals, something that would be much harder to obtain if you were to embark on this learning experience alone.