According to Notícias ao Minuto, Sir Keir Starmer who is on holiday with his family in Madeira, was reportedly booed for cutting in front of a three-hour-long queue for the famous Madeiran toboggan ride.

Witnesses are said to have told The Sun newspaper that the Prime Minister arrived in a limousine with his children, aged 13 and 16, who were promptly escorted straight to the front of the queue and sat in a wicker toboggan basket, sparking outrage amongst onlookers who reportedly booed and asked the Prime Minister to "move to the back of the queue."

Citing the Sun, Notícias ao Minuto, shared "We arrived at around 10am and queued with everyone else for ages, despite having pre-booked tickets. There were a lot of British cruise ship passengers and everyone was patient and polite until we got to the front and the queue was cut off,” said Russell Schacter, from Ilford, Essex.

The man said that shortly after 1 pm he recognised Starmer, who was arriving “in a car with his security team in another vehicle”.

“He stood there smiling as his two children were led straight to the front of the line. But the people who had been in line all morning were not so happy and there was some booing and shouting,” he recalled.

The tourist also reported that when Starmer's son and daughter set off, the Prime Minister “was driven straight to the end to meet them”.

“We went after them and were held up again while their children were picked up. He is obviously in a privileged position and has security concerns, but it was still hard to swallow seeing him jump the queue after we had been there for three hours,” he said.

Diário de Notícias da Madeira affirmed that the Prime Minister's visit is of a personal nature and, according to government sources, should not include official meetings with regional entities.

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