In an alert published on the Finance Portal, the AT shares one of the emails that is being sent in its name and in which the recipient is invited to download the supposed files using a fraudulent link.
“These messages are false and should be ignored. Its objective is to convince the recipient to access malicious pages by clicking on the suggested links”, so that “under no circumstances” should the taxpayer carry out the requested operation, highlights AT.
In the information security brochure available on its website, the AT reinforces that, sometimes, fraudulent messages – by email (phishing) or SMS (smishing) – are sent to the taxpayer – in their name with the aim of convincing them you to download malicious software.
“In other situations, fake authentication windows are reproduced, generated by malicious software that has been installed on users’ computers. These windows are fake and should be ignored,” the same information highlights.
The AT also states that due to its confidential nature, access to individualised services and information on the Finance Portal requires prior authentication carried out by entering your NIF and access password, Citizen Card or Digital Mobile Key, this process being performed when you access the website: