Living in a higher love encompasses all areas of this experiment we call the human experience.
It’s a concept that can transform our lives—a concept that lives within each of us and surrounds us at all times. It’s a love that transcends the every day, a love that can guide us to find joy, peace, and healing in even the simplest moments.
But joy isn’t just about noticing the world around us—it’s about cultivating it within ourselves, and we must first turn inward.
How many of us are harder on ourselves than we are on others? How often do we hear the harsh voice of our inner critic, telling us we’re not enough, not worthy, or not capable? Silencing this inner critic is one of the most powerful acts of love we can give ourselves. Instead of listening to the negative voices in our heads, we can choose to speak to ourselves with kindness, compassion, and understanding.
Imagine if we treated ourselves the same way we treat our closest friends, with encouragement and support, rather than judgment and self-doubt. Talk to yourself in a positive, compassionate way. Remind yourself that you are worthy, that you are enough, and that you deserve the same love and care that you freely offer to others. It’s not just a matter of positive thinking—it’s about nurturing a relationship with ourselves that allows us to grow, heal, and thrive.
When we begin to speak to ourselves with love, we begin to build a foundation of joy and self-worth that expands into every area of our lives. Our hearts become fuller, our steps become lighter, and our energy becomes more vibrant. Share that love with the world. Let the love inside you flow outward, touching everyone you encounter, lifting them up just as you’ve lifted yourself.
Often, we give so much love to others, but how much of that love do we extend to ourselves? Loving yourself as much as you love others is not selfish—it’s essential. You are worthy of kindness, of compassion, and of the same care that you so freely give. To live in a higher love, we must treat ourselves with the same tenderness and respect we show to those we care about.
When we begin to love ourselves more deeply, we also begin to build a stronger foundation of love in our hearts and joy in our steps. This love becomes a light, radiating out from us to everyone we meet. Share the joy and love that’s within you—it’s contagious. In fact, it’s more than contagious; it’s transformational. It has the power to uplift, to heal, and to create a ripple effect in our communities and beyond.

This brings us to a powerful truth: We solve problems from a place of love. The challenges we face, both big and small, can often feel overwhelming. But when we approach them with love and understanding, we unlock solutions we didn’t see before. Remember, most people are doing their best. No one wakes up in the morning thinking, “How can I be the worst person today?” We are all, in essence, trying to be good. People inherently want to be as good as they can be.
When we look at the world through this lens of love and compassion, we begin to see that we are all in this together. We are all deserving of kindness. And by showing this kindness to ourselves and others, we create an environment where love, healing, and joy can flourish.
So, let us live with intention. Let us choose joy in every moment, love in every interaction, and peace in our hearts. Let us bring in the high vibrational energy of the universe, knowing that we are worthy of its healing and its light.
Wishing you a magical year full of love, compassion and kindness.
Sally saw Angels as a child and could occasionally see and feel people who had passed over. This ability grew as she got older and she now gives readings, as well as channelling Ascended Masters. She often works with Mary Magdalene and channels information from Lord Kuthumi. She is available for readings and spiritual development sessions both online and in person (heaven2heart).