The city government stated that “renovation work will begin on Avenida D. João VI, at the intersection with Dâmaso da Encarnação and 18 de Junho streets”, in a project that foresees the construction of “a roundabout in the area known as Quatro Estradas”, with the work budgeted at 600,000 euros.

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The works are expected to last four months, estimated the Olhão City Council in a statement, highlighting that the new roundabout will “make traffic flow more fluid on all roads in that area” and improve pedestrian safety.

“This is a long-awaited intervention and, once completed, and together with the new Variante and the end of tolls on Via do Infante, it will be the starting point for a more in-depth requalification, which will return the avenue to the people of Olhão”, considered the Mayor of Olhão, António Miguel Pina, quoted in the statement.