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Under-60s vaccinated with Astrazeneca may receive 2nd dose of another vaccine

People under the age of 60 who have been vaccinated with a first dose of the Astrazeneca...
In News, COVID-19 - 31 May 2021, 10:06

Deadline ends today to pay Municipal Property Tax (IMI)

The deadline for homeowners to pay their Municipal Property Tax (IMI), either in full or...
In News, Property, Economy - 31 May 2021, 10:53

Unilabs and HPA Saúde open laboratory in Algarve that will increase testing

Unilabs and the HPA Saúde group are today inaugurating a new Molecular Biology laboratory...
In News, COVID-19 - 31 May 2021, 12:13

Unemployment rate falls in March

The unemployment rate was 6.6% in March, minus 0.2 percentage points compared to February...
By TPN/Lusa, In News, Business - 31 May 2021, 14:19

Euro zone economy to grow 4.3%

The eurozone's economy is expected to grow 4.3 percent this year and 4.4 percent next...
By TPN/Lusa, In News, Business - 31 May 2021, 16:24

Government suggests extending project "Healthy Night of the Cities of Central Portugal" to the country

The minister for Territorial Cohesion, Ana Abrunhosa, suggested that the project "Healthy...
By TPN/Lusa, In News, Community, Crime - 31 May 2021, 13:00

Votes for life’ for British citizens living abroad

British citizens who have moved abroad will be given ‘votes for life’ as the...
By TPN, In News, World, United Kingdom - 31 May 2021, 13:28

Rehabilitation of the fish auction at the Port of Nazaré to start within a month

The rehabilitation of the fish auction building of the Port of Nazaré, budgeted at around...
By TPN/Lusa, In Lisbon, Community, Business - 31 May 2021, 15:00

Natural sounds of Culatra Island are the inspiration for a record and a show

An artistic residency of two musicians on Culatra Island in Faro has allowed the...
By TPN/Lusa, In Lifestyle, Entertainment - 31 May 2021, 17:00

SEF inspectors suspends strike notifications until Friday

After being asked to the table by Home Affairs minister, SEF union calls off any strike...
By TPN/Lusa, In News, Business, Tourism - 01 Jun 2021, 08:53

Displaying 48231-48240 of 57522 results.