Nobody has ever claimed that they prevent transmission or infection. That’s what masks and distancing do, to an extent. However, if you are unlucky enough to catch the virus you are far less likely to require hospital treatment or to die. Vaccinated members of my family have caught Covid and suffered only symptoms similar to the common cold.

I strongly suspect that Dr Clare is not a medical doctor or he would have been aware of the benefits of vaccination and would not promote conspiracy theories.

David Foot, By email

Re: Vaccines

EDITOR, The observational study published by The Lancet on 01 November related to the results of research carried out in Vietnam in which 62 vaccinated healthcare workers participated . Its interpretation was: “breakthrough Delta variant infections following Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccination may cause asymptomatic or mild disease, but are associated with high viral loads, prolonged PCR positivity and low levels of vaccine-induced neutralising antibodies. Epidemiological and sequence data suggested ongoing transmission had occurred between fully vaccinated individuals.”

This is similar to other studies recently published in “most prestigious” medical journals which show to me and other members of the duped and poorly educated classes that the protection of vaccines wanes with time and is progressively less effective as one´s age increases.

The utility of vaccines in treating diseases such as Covid-19 is scientifically indisputable and does not merit the Trumpian views of the learned doctor (of medicine?) John Clare. A small number (perhaps 10 to 15%) of the un-learned ones who have been fully vaccinated will develop recurrent symptoms but with much less severity than the unvaccinated and will not require the same degree of hospital admission and little intensive care.

On the immediate horizon of infections is the probability of recurring waves of Covid-19 variants and the possibility of far worse diseases all of which will be encouraged by disastrous planetary over-heating. New vaccines and treatment will be found but may only equal the present range in their capability to limit – not eradicate – our medical distress.

Yes, Big Pharma and its network of corrupt politicians, scientists and government officials has amassed vast fortunes from the suffering of humanity but a much larger body of medical skill and opinion exists to overcome our grave misfortune. Dr. Clare would do well to support and not deride our saviours.

Roberto Knight



Booster Vaccine

EDITOR, I filled in the form on line It said if you don’t hear within 72 hours try again.

I did try many many times. It would not go through I could not enter my birth date again ! I was told now over 70 you can walk in for a booster! We drove to where the vaccine was given to my 80-year-old husband a few weeks ago. It was closed and moved to the football stadium in Loulé. There were lots of people waiting outside! They gave me a ticket, I showed my Utente number and waited for 1 hour. When my number was called I went into a hall full of people I had a Portuguese person with me who explained how many times I had tried to book online!

When I was finally at the front of the queue they told me “no number on my Phone no Booster!” After waiting two hours, I left without my booster. I thought this country wanted people to protect themselves against this virus. I am over 70 and disgusted with this and the total lack of common sense.

I will not have a booster and refuse to put myself through this indignity again!

Mrs Clayman

Fazenda, Almancil