Self-scheduling for the booster dose has been available for people over 45 years of age since last Monday, having been lowered today for people who are 40 and over.
The self-scheduling portal also allows appointments for people aged 60 or over for a booster dose against Covid-19 and flu vaccine, as well as for those who are over 18 and have been vaccinated with Janssen for more than 90 days.
As announced by the Directorate-General for Health, by the end of Saturday about 3.8 million people had already received the booster dose against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.
Since the vaccination plan started on December 27, 2020, more than 20 million doses of vaccines against Covid-19 have been administered in Portugal.
As a couple between 50 and 60 years old, currently travelling through Europe we were very disappointed with the Portuguese attitude and policy towards Booster Jabs. When we left the UK boosters jabs were not available to our age group but we both had been double vaccinated. We asked the Covid Vaccination Centre in Lagos if we could please have a booster and even offered to pay. Their reply was that without a Portuguese Residency we were not allowed to access the service. Surely this is not the correct attitude to possess when the whole world is trying to deal with and eradicate this dreadful virus. We could potentially end up in Ill with Covid in a Portuguese hospital without the booster and this would be more costly for the district health care system and deprive another Portuguese person of a hospital bed. Looking at the bigger, wider picture is necessary in this case
By Bekki Olliver from Algarve on 22 Jan 2022, 06:34