The first lecture will be at 2.30pm at the Museu do Traje in São Bras, the second lecture will be at 6pm at the Convento de São José in Lagoa.

Sandra and Jaquelina will be talking about Tavira in the 16th century. At that time, Tavira was one of the most important cities of Portugal and its port was one of the busiest, trading with ships from all over the Mediterranean, selling goods and importing all kinds of products. It was a time of great richness and the city grew in size and importance. Evidence of this past greatness can be seen today in the streets of Tavira, in its buildings, churches and convents. Other signs of this rich past, hidden by several layers of time, are slowly being recovered by archaeological work. The theme of this lecture relates to the 500th anniversary of Tavira's elevation to a City by King Manuel I, which was commemorated on 16th March 2020.

Sandra Cavaco was born in Mértola and grew up in the Algarve. She graduated from the University of Lisbon (1999), received a MA from University of Algarve (2012) and is currently a PhD Student in the University of Évora. Working in the Municipality of Tavira since 2001, her main research interests include local history/archaeology and medieval/modern ceramics. Sandra is a founding member of the CIGA Group (Islamic Ceramics from Gharb al‑Andalus). Jaquelina Covaneiro was born in Coimbra and grew up in Ourém (Santarém). She graduated from the University of Coimbra (1995) and received a MA from the University of Lisbon (2005). Working in the Municipality of Tavira since 2002, her main research interests include local history/archaeology, medieval/modern ceramics and faunal studies. Jaquelina is a founding member of the CIGA Group (Islamic Ceramics from Gharb al Andalus).

Non-members are welcome to attend AAA lectures for a 5 euro admission fee, with all money raised by the AAA being used for archaeological grants and speakers. For more information contact, visit or Facebook 'Algarve Archaeological Association'. Please note that Covid-19 regulations apply. Please check the website or facebook page for any last minute changes.