The war between Russia and Ukraine has added to the rise in energy prices and the drought, causing a rise in the cost of various products. And the increase in prices is reaching the meat used in several typical dishes consumed by the Portuguese at this time. “The price of kid and lamb, compared to the previous year, has increased by approximately 10%”, says Marinela Lourenço, president of the Association of Meat Merchants of the Municipality of Lisbon and Others, in statements to ECO, adding that increases are even more significant in other products consumed on a daily basis by the Portuguese, such as chicken, whose price soared by 60% compared to the same period in the previous year, as well as veal and pork, which recorded increases of around 30% from 35%, respectively.
This scenario is also outlined by Elipec – Alentejo Meat Producers Group, which sells more than 10,000 cows, 14,000 sheep and 5,000 goats from 120 producers. “The most consumed meat at Easter is goat and lamb, which have at this time, and at Christmas, the great peak of demand”, adding that compared to Easter last year, the price of these meats “has gone up around 15%”.