The opposition at the Lisbon City Council (CML) defends the extension, for another six months, of the suspension of the registration of new local accommodation (AL) in 14 parishes of the capital, reports Diário de Notícias.

The suspension currently in force ends in October and the councillors of PS, Bloco and Livre are preparing a proposal to maintain it until March next year, when there is a new municipal regulation for this activity. According to the same newspaper, the proposal foresees that new licenses will not be accepted in parishes where the number of dwellings allocated to local accommodation exceeds 2.5% of the housing stock.

In question are the following parishes: Ajuda, Alcântara, Areeiro, Arroios, Avenidas Novas, Belém, Campo de Ourique, Estrela, Misericórdia, Parque das Nações, Penha de França, Santa Maria Maior, Santo António and São Vicente. The measure will be presented for discussion and voting by the municipal executive and will subsequently go to the Municipal Assembly.