The fire destroyed the roof of the three-story building, located on Calçada Nova do Colégio, close to Hospital de São José, in the parish of Arroios, leaving the building uninhabitable.

This morning, the director of the Lisbon Municipal Civil Protection Service told Lusa that of the 24, 21 managed to find accommodation with family/friends/own means network and three were rehoused by the Lisbon City Council (CML) in a hotel.

Margarida Castro Martins also said that a joint inspection will be carried out today by the Sapadores Firefighters Regiment of Lisbon and the CML Service responsible for evaluating and inspecting private buildings and promoting the processes of conservation works.

"We are doing the 'follow up' of the conditions of the people affected", said Margarida Castro Martins.

On Monday night, on a trip to the fire site, which caused no injuries, the president of CML, Carlos Moedas, had promised to rehouse the 24 people.

The alert for the fire was given at 20:56. At 22:00 it was under control and minutes later completely extinguished, according to Commander Tiago Lopes, from the city's Sapadores Firefighters Regiments.

According to the National Emergency and Civil Protection Authority (ANEPC), there were 60 operators on site, supported by 20 vehicles.

The causes of the fire is currently unknown.