“The weather will remain cold, with low minimum temperatures at least until Thursday of next week, with the issuance of a yellow warning for the entire territory of the continent,” she said.
According to Madalena Rodrigues, Bragança, Vila Real, Guarda, and Braga will be the districts where the minimums will be lowest, varying between -4 and -6 degrees Celsius.
“We will continue with slightly cloudy or clear skies, just with some cloudiness in the North and Center regions, formation of ice and frost, and sometimes strong wind in the highlands”, she indicated.
Due to the low minimum temperatures forecast for the next few days, the IPMA issued a yellow warning for all districts on the mainland for Saturday and Sunday.
Multimédia Meteo
— IPMA (@ipma_pt) January 27, 2023
Atenção aos Avisos Meteorológicos para o Continente:
Tempo Frio - Amarelo [ 27 Jan 07:27 - 30 Jan 06:00 ]
Persistência de valores baixos da temperatura mínima.https://t.co/OV7h5Q8vmR pic.twitter.com/8VbgCfUSOz
A problem no 1 seems willing to mention/report, is that this extreme cold weather is killing whatever´s trying to thrive in terms of crops. When asking for pomegranates in different places, they´re hard to get. That seemed odd, considering we should have them at this time of the year (not needed to plant every year, older trees?). I was told that with weather like this they ferment and rot even while attached to trees. Then at another place (supermarket), a lady in the vegetables section told me turnip greens (“nabiças” in Portuguese?) aren´t coming at all because the frost ruined what was still to harvest (or so they say at the source) . I mean, turnip greens and pomegranates, people. Not fancy stuff. Makes me wonder how we´ll get to eat at all, even if we still can afford anything (?).
By guida from Lisbon on 28 Jan 2023, 05:58