The cost is €25.00 per person which includes a selection of couverts on the table, your specified choice of main course and a selection of desserts. Wine, soft drinks and coffee included. (Spirits payable at the bar.)

Please come along and enjoy a fun-filled evening, a delicious menu, good company and help to raise much-needed funds for the 203 wonderful cats in our care. As usual, we have a limited amount of seats available, so don’t delay - booking early will ensure your place!

In addition to the usual raffles and other activities, we are delighted to welcome Karen Telling, a resident of Carvoeiro for many years, who is now a published author, having written two very personal and amusing books about her and her husband’s experiences over the years, including her account of the many cats she has encountered and mentioning CCCA a number of times.

She will be selling her signed books, with personal dedications if requested, for the usual €10.00 with €3.00 coming directly to the charity on each book sold on the night.

For information on the full menu please contact

Booking secured upon payment to PayPal: or alternatively by bank transfer: Carvoeiro Cat Charity Associacao – Swift/BIC: MPIOPTPL and IBAN: PT50 0036 0256 9910 0062 04965.