“We recommend for areas with more pressure, namely the Algarve, that municipalities develop fees that can revert to the environmental sustainability of the territories, such as investment in water, nature conservation or waste management”, said the Minister for the Environment and Climate Action , Duarte Cordeiro.
The recommendation was made at a press conference with the Minister of Agriculture, Maria do Céu Antunes, after a two-hour meeting of the Permanent Commission for the Prevention, Monitoring and Accompaniment of the Effects of Drought (CPPMAES).
“Use more, pay more”
Pointing out that the Alentejo and the Algarve are already suffering from severe and extreme drought, the two government officials announced measures to minimize the problem, with Duarte Cordeiro recommending, as he had already done last year, that municipalities “design intelligent tariffs”, so that those who consume more water pay more.
Those who use water to fill swimming pools should pay more, as opposed to those who use water for daily consumption.
There should be a very clear distinction between owner occupiers (permanent residents) and those that rent out their properties especially Airbnb where they over fill properties with people and therefore use much more of our precious resources.
Add in the fact that these landlords already receive outrageous tax breaks from the government.
By James from Algarve on 23 Apr 2023, 07:23
Totally agree, James. Very different, say, owning a pool for personal use as opposed to making a profit off it. A straight tax on all forms of tourism consuming water would be the way to go or even better limit the number of tourists in affected regions. Seems like it always the local communities that suffer in the chase for tourist revenues.
By Stuart Wood from Algarve on 24 Apr 2023, 07:53
Licence all boreholes with immediate effect and charge per water consumed.
Protect the Algarve’s current water reserves and aquifers from development and monoculture plantations.
Invest in large scale grey water recovery.
Construction of more reservoirs to store rainwater.
By Stuart woodhouse from Algarve on 24 Apr 2023, 20:31
Stop the watering of Golf Coures, or is that to controversial??????
By J from Lisbon on 25 Apr 2023, 16:25
It’s not controversial it is stupid . The golf courses of the Algarve generate vast sums in tourism revenue every year . Why don’t you reinvest in Adaquate water capture instead of operating a third world system and moaning that it’s everyone else’s fault ?
By George from Algarve on 08 May 2023, 10:54