Currently, there are 650,000 immigrants working in Portugal, six times more than in 2015, points out Ana Mendes Godinho.
The minister defends the “contribution of foreign workers to Portuguese development”, stressing that in Social Security contributions, foreigners already represent 10% of workers who actively participate in the system, which represents 1,800 million euros, she said, in an interview to RTP3.
Focusing on digital nomads, Ana Mendes Godinho says that they are “fundamental, namely because they have the ability to live in the interior, which has been rediscovered by new forms of work”. She reinforces that “we have to focus on attracting people to come to Portugal”.
Yes like a sore head.!!!!!@
By J from Lisbon on 23 Apr 2023, 19:20
Yikes, Portuguese economy is based on waiting tables, selling overpriced properties and now relaying on digital nomads. So basically foreign money dependent.
By Rob from Açores on 24 Apr 2023, 19:03
So what? Have you realised that services are increasing while manufacturing is decreasing all over the western world? And "foreign money" -- what is national money nowadays?
By Bertil Johnson from Beiras on 25 Apr 2023, 17:09
The sentence "because they have the ability to live in the interior, which has been rediscovered by new forms of work” is utter madness. Digital nomads want to live in Lisbon or Porto and maybe a couple other attractive towns that are already crowded.
By Tom from Lisbon on 25 Apr 2023, 18:53