We will continue to be in the energy of the Total Solar Eclipse of April 20th for the rest of this year and even through 2024. So the social, political and economic transformation that this ignites will be fundamental and profound. Added to that we have a Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio this month that will add more intensity and complexity to the mix, which I will discuss below.
At the beginning of the month power issues come up strongly, and these can be either personally or out in the world. We may see power being asserted on the world stage, ‘might makes right’, and with Jupiter in Aries in an out-of-sign square to Pluto, there is potential for this to be expanded. So consider how you have used power in your life; have you given it away, have you abused your power? Or do you feel that you have now developed a quiet, inner but very strong sense of anchor and centre so are much harder to knock off balance? This brings with it an inner serenity and peace too.
Initially these transits can feel incredibly intense and often disempowering, but ultimately through the process you step into a stronger sense of your own power. This is linked to the myth of Persephone. She was kidnapped, taken down to Hades and had to cross the Styx which was very dark and scary, but then ultimately came back up to the light as a stronger, wiser, deeper version of herself. This is the message of these transits. Often we are faced with an issue that has its roots in childhood but will keep repeating until we change the habit pattern around power issues. Of course this usually plays out in the relationship arena.
Anger issues and feeling impulsive and emotionally reactive may be strong in the first few days of the month, and especially around the 5th, the day of the Lunar Eclipse.
Wild cards
Eclipses operate powerfully and can be wild cards, bringing endings and new beginnings into your life, but importantly jumping you back onto your most aligned path of destiny if you have strayed from it.
The Lunar Eclipse at 14°58’ Scorpio is on 5th May at 10.33am PST and 6.33pm UK time. This is a ‘penumbral’ Eclipse, meaning that the Earth blocks out some of the Sun’s light from the Moon, and this one will last just over 4 hours. The Eclipse path falls across large geographic areas of Africa, Antarctica, Russia, Eastern Europe and Asia, Australia, New Zealand, part of the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans. Some of these areas over the next six months are likely to come to prominence in the news. As set out in last month’s newsletter, the path of the Total Solar Eclipse on April 20th also falls across Australia, Eastern Indonesia and East Timor.
An Eclipse is a big Full Moon, the peak of the Moon’s cycle, also representing an ending. So this is a very clear message at this time that this is about a completion, culmination, closure or ending of some kind for you, see where 14°58’ Scorpio falls in your chart. It is very commonly a time when secrets come to light.
This is even more the case here as Scorpio is the sign linked to secrets, often underhand, underground or even criminal. Taurus/Scorpio represents the financial axis with Scorpio being big money, invested money, secret money, loans, mortgages and also debts, defaults and deficits. All of these areas potentially may come to light at this time. I expect financial turbulence of some kind around the time of this Eclipse which may continue through May and June.
This volatility may also be linked to debt, default, deficits and taxes either of individuals or countries, particular the US. We are at the beginning of a strong period of fundamental social and political structural change which is likely to continue for some years. This may involve some rebellious behaviour by the populations of some countries - look at France right now.
Good questions to ask during this Eclipse period are: what is falling away in my life that no longer serves me? What is being birthed that is new? What is my vision for a new future for myself? Changes can happen rapidly once we have that clarity.
About Pam Gregory
Pam Gregory has been involved with astrology for over 45 years, and runs a very busy astrology practice. She has a popular YouTube channel with updates and interviews, is the author of two best-selling books, You Don’t Really Believe in Astrology, Do You? and How to Co-Create using the Secret Language of the Universe. Pam offers several teaching videos available from her website www.pamgregory.com and also writes a long monthly newsletter.
She is no longer doing client work as she is focused on helping the collective through this huge spiritual transformation. As well as YouTube you’ll find her on Unifyd, MeWe, and Facebook with regular astrology updates.'
Pam Gregory has been involved with astrology for over 45 years, and runs a very busy astrology practice. She has a popular YouTube channel with updates and interviews, is the author of two best-selling books, You Don’t Really Believe in Astrology, Do You? and How to Co-Create using the Secret Language of the Universe. Pam offers several teaching videos available from her website: www.pamgregory.com and also writes a long monthly newsletter.
She is no longer doing client work as she is focused on helping the collective through this huge spiritual transformation. As well as YouTube you’ll find her on Unifyd, MeWe and Facebook with regular astrology updates.’