The pollen present in the air in the mainland regions comes essentially from olive, cork oak and oak trees and also from nettles, grasses, plantain and sorrel.
Forecasts up to May 18 indicate that in the regions of the Algarve, Alentejo, Lisbon and Setúbal the pollination of the chenopodium will predominate.
According to SPAIC, during the month of May there will be a very high concentration of atmospheric pollen from olive trees in mainland Portugal.
The pollen peak of this species has already started (in the south-central regions) and will last until nearly the end of the month (in the central-north regions).
Every week, the pollen bulletin publishes the levels of pollen in the atmosphere, collected by reading posts in various regions of the country.
Myself and some of my cousins are chronic pollen sufferers, it seems this country is trying to kill me, one way or another, one of my cousin who came to see me because I went off radar for a few weeks wondered what had happened, I told him about the pollen issue, that I was out of commission, he looked at me in wonder saying he has never experienced hay-fever with me dripping nose, eyes and a spinning head, this cousin is a mayor in a small town, they should be made aware of other suffering souls like me and implement a strategy of not planting species of plants that increase my suffering, but then again this is Portugal.
By John Martindale from Algarve on 13 May 2023, 11:53
Mr Martindale every type of pollen will have people who are allergic to it , your specific problem is best helped by moving to an area without the plants that effect you , eradicating all plants to help hay fever victims seems a tad selfish.
By John from Alentejo on 17 May 2023, 15:57