Archangel Raphael’s etheric retreat is above Fátima in Portugal, so everyone who is in Portugal is able to connect more easily to his beautiful energy.

He is the Angel of Healing and when you are ready he will give you your fifth dimensional health blueprint and then help you to activate it. When it is fully activated you can enjoy perfect health and the ability to self-heal. In the golden future everyone will be able to do so.

Archangel Raphael

Archangel Raphael radiates bright emerald light and his wonderful soft wings enfold you when you invoke him.

He is in charge of the development of the third eye chakras. When yours is fifth dimensional you can bring forward not just your psychic and spiritual gifts and talents but also experience enlightenment.


The third eye chakra is vast and complex. It holds abundance consciousness and every time you focus on what you do want, rather than what you don’t want, you are awakening it. When you believe you deserve good things, your third eye expands and draws to you the bounty that awaits you. Then anything your heart desires is available to you instantly!

Spiritual and Psychic Gifts and Powers

Your third eye holds your spiritual and psychic gifts and powers. These range from clairvoyance, teleportation and levitation to manifestation and healing. It is a very powerful centre and Archangel Raphael prepares you to open it safely. When you use the power of this chakra with wisdom for the highest good, you take mastery of your life.


It is less well known that Archangel Raphael is in charge of travellers. Ask him to help you when you are on a journey. A few years ago my flight was suddenly cancelled and I had to travel to Ireland as quickly as possible by train, tube and ferry. I remember the moment when I was hurrying up an escalator at a London tube station to catch my connection. I mentally asked Archangel Raphael to help. Suddenly I felt enormous emerald green wings around me. It only lasted a second! But in that instant my anxiety vanished. I knew I was being looked after. And indeed both the journey there and back went smoothly. Now I always remember to ask him for help.


Archangel Raphael has a healing chamber above his retreat in Fatima, Portugal and you can ask to go there during meditation or sleep. As long as your soul agrees, he and his angels will help you.

You can also ask him to heal someone else if it is for their highest good. A good friend of mine was desperately ill. Many people were sending her healing. One evening her sister phoned to say that the hospital said she wouldn’t make it through the night. I lit a candle and asked Archangel Raphael for help under grace, before concentrating on visualising her totally healthy and well. There was an extraordinary flash of emerald light that came right through me. I’ll never forget it. My guide, Kumeka, said that Archangel Raphael himself had come through me, using the energy I and many others were focussing on her recovery. By the morning she had turned a corner and is now totally well.

Relaxing your third eye

When you frown, you are blocking your third eye! Smiling relaxes it and enables it to open. Headaches, including migraines are functions of the third eye. In the olden days it was customary for a wife to relax her husband’s third eye when he had been at the office thinking all day. She did this by circling gently with her fingers over his temples. It is very soothing.

You can do this for yourself. Even massaging your jaw will help your third eye to relax.

Polishing your third eye

Here is a very quick and simple way to start clarifying your third eye, which is like a crystal ball.

1. Close your eyes and make yourself comfortable.

2. Gently massage your forehead with your fingers in clockwise circles.

3. Visualise your third eye like a crystal ball in front of you.

4. Imagine yourself taking a cloth and cleaning and polishing it.

5. Picture it sparkling clean and shining.

On Sunday 22 October I am delighted to be in Portugal in person for a very important and special seminar with Adrian Lee. I have been asked to do a powerful visualisation to enable as many people as possible throughout the world to merge with their Monad or I AM to raise the frequency of the planet. Before that I will enable you to open and heal your third eye!


Diana Cooper’s spiritual journey started 40 years ago with an angelic visitation and she has worked with Angels ever since.  She has written 33 books translated into 28 languages.

She has travelled world-wide sharing inspiration from the higher realms and now teaches regular on-line courses.  She founded the Diana Cooper School of White Light, a not-for-profit organisation offering spiritual teaching courses throughout the world.

Diana Cooper